Title: Mouth: A
Steamy Anthology
Authors: Carter
Ashby, Josie Bordeaux, M.C. Cerny, Christy Dilg, S.M. Donaldson, L.B. Dunbar,
Roxie Elms, Mary Catherine Gebhard, Cassie Graham, Danielle Jamie, Lorraine
Loveit, Kristen Hope Mazzola, Scarlett Metal, Katherine Rhodes, t. h. snyder,
Kandi Steiner, Layla Stevens, Madison Street, E.A. Sutton, and Dawne Walters
Release Date: Oct 30,
About Mouth:
Mouth Karaoke Bar and Grill was founded by Christy Dilg in
2013 in the Forbidden Series. Christy decided to have an auction event
supporting breast cancer awareness and donating the funds raised to the cause
after the fans expressed their interest. The Mouth Rocks for the Cause Facebook
event went so well that Christy decided to continue the event every year and to
add Mouth in all of her upcoming books and donate portions of her book sales to
the charity in that story. Writing has
always been about making a difference to Christy and Mouth is sure to add to
This year Mouth Rocks for the Cause will hold its third
annual Facebook auction supporting breast cancer in October. The event will
last a week but Mouth will be doing other things during the month to raise for
the cause such as this wonderful collection “Mouth, A steamy anthology” which
will feature almost twenty amazing authors together in a box set of novellas.
The proceeds will be donated to the National Breast Cancer Foundation.
Buy Links:
Amazon – http://amzn.to/1NeQLa0
Barnes & Noble
– http://bit.ly/1Grcqnz
Kobo – http://bit.ly/1PYORbb
iTunes – http://apple.co/1PYONbm